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Balancing a Healthy Lifestyle & Much Needed 'Me-Time'

Being a mom is tough. We do so much for others that we often neglect ourselves. We are constantly on the go to take care of the kids and all the small details that go into running a household. It takes time to plan healthy meals and wholesome activities. Sometimes we just go for the fast fix to keep the peace and our sanity. It’s truly one of the hardest challenges we face.

With all of these challenges, though, we can make lifestyle changes to accommodate everyone, including ourselves! Let’s take a look at how to become a healthier version of yourself without getting lost in the day-to-day difficulties.

The first thing to do is to get a reality check. Look at your lifestyle, record yourself for a week, acknowledging not only your food choices, but your activity level and how you feel mentally. Once you really get to know yourself and your habits - the good and the bad - you can better assess how to proceed.

As moms, we often eat what we can just to get us through. But it’s important for us to be intentional in our eating choices. Having smaller portions throughout the day can help fuel us for the full schedule and crazy chaos we call life.

With smaller portions, what can you eat? Lean meat, fruit, vegetables, nuts, and dairy can be balanced to give you the proper nutrients your body needs without sitting down to a huge meal that will leave you feeling depleted of energy instead of giving you a boost.

In addition to your food choices, you should also assess your activity level. It’s hard to go, go, go for our kids and have nothing for ourselves. We clean the house, go to work, and keep the kids alive. I mean, moms deserve the world! But, at the end of the day, if we use every break we get to sit and watch tv or lay down and scroll through our social media account, we’ve got to reprioritize.

Don’t sacrifice your favorite shows! That’s the reward after a long day. But, instead of sitting on the couch, get up and get active while you watch. Walking in place, doing jumping jacks, anything to keep your heart-rate up will help you achieve a healthier lifestyle. Incorporate some weight training, some yoga practices, or some other exercise routine you enjoy (or can get through!) to help you stick with it.

The main goal is to learn how to balance your lifestyle with healthy choices without sacrificing your sanity. Having mental clarity can be tough for moms. Our lives are chaotic! That won’t change, but how we handle it can. Don’t look for the easy way out. Put in some work and you’ll see some incredible results.