Christmas Eve Traditions
Christmas Eve is right around the corner. And when that day comes, the anticipation starts to build. Santa is getting ready for his big journey around the world. And parents are running around trying to tie up loose ends. This day is filled with excitement and traditions that make for lasting memories.
Every year for Christmas Eve, when I was growing up, we would open one gift. And every year, that gift was pajamas. We would all put on our matching pajamas and socks and take a family picture. It’s super cheesy, but it’s honestly one of my favorite memories. I love looking back at how our family has changed.
From adding pets to adding spouses to adding children. It’s incredible to see how life progresses. When I look back at pictures from my childhood, I can see the sparkle in my eye. The excitement of the holiday.
When I look at more recent pictures, that sparkle has been passed on to my own children. Looking at their sparkle is the absolute best part of Christmas.
Another tradition we have on Christmas Eve is baking pies. We up early in the morning and get together with some of our closest friends to bake pies. We do a gift exchange and play games as the pies are baking. This tradition started when I was in high school and continues now that I’m a mom. No matter what tradition it is, it’s amazing to see a new generation get to participate.
There’s something special about Christmas. It’s a time to reflect on the past year, the past decade, the past. I love seeing where I’ve been and where I am today. It’s been a journey. I’m sure you could say the same. Life is funny that way. The journey seems to take forever, but when we look back, it seems like just yesterday.
I pray all of you Mamas out there have a wonderful Christmas, filled with lots of traditions and memories made!